Splitting this into two blog posts seemed like the best thing to do, because unlike last time my answers aren't just one sentence long. I've actually put some effort into writing two years down the line. What I thought was going to be a reasonably short blog post turned into a hefty bit of writing, I'm just rambling now and trying to justify my actions, so here's part two before this turns into another essay. 

Watching hours on end of YouTube is not a good way to spend your day. Living vicariously through beauty gurus and 20 year old American's who live in houses bigger than your old primary school is a depressing way to live.
Leading on nicely from the number eleven, comparing yourself to others is a toxic mindset. It's probably the most difficult thing not to do, but once you stop and realise that everyone if different. Everyone has different abilities, looks different, you'll have such a better mindset on life and become more accepting of yourself
I used to think my mum was mad when she'd tell me that she had already started Christmas shopping in June, but it's the way forward. I always complain in December when I've got no money and no time, but if I started my Christmas shopping in June when I actually have money I wouldn't have this problem. 
Leave your eyebrows alone!! Leave them to the professions, the sperm shape brows are not attractive. Step away from the tweezers.
Stand up for yourself, stop letting people walk all over you. I confess, I still am a total drip when it comes to letting people talk bad to me/walking all over me. But I'm getting better at putting my foot down and letting people know they're being out of order.
Bit contradictory to number eleven, but Netflix is also and investment. Yes it leads to binge watching television series, but Friends is on there, and so is Drag Race. Which if you remember I said was the best thing that's ever graced this Earth. I'd rather be sat in my room on hours on end listening to 'I'll be there for youuuu' play for the 50th time than have to listen to 'hello and welcome back to my channel'.
Skin care is so important, for gods sake wash your face. This one speaks for itself really. I can 100% justify splashing out the cash (when I have it) on skincare. Your skin is something you have to live with for life, treat it well, keep it clean and moisturise. 
It's okay to not really know what's going on with your life. I'm 21, I'm in my final year of university and do I have a clue what's going on with my life? NOPE. Not going to lie I am a little (a lot) stressed, but i'm giving myself a year after to work and learn to drive, then figure it out from there. I do have a five year plan but if that doesn't work then it's all good. 
I've mentioned the topic of men, but this is slightly different. Tinder is not okay. I've used the word toxic so much through out these posts but again, TINDER IS TOXIC. It is so shallow, it's based purely on the basis of looks, and a relationship cannot be based around looks, there needs to be some substance there because if not it'll dry up real quick.
You'll never know what you've got until It's gone, sounds deep doesn't it? I'm actually talking about Vine. Who knew six second videos could provide such joy? Then they had to close it down, RIP Vine, always in my heart. 
Gonna end on a serious note, highlighter is the most amazing thing. There's nothing better than glowing like a glazed donut in the light, or even not in the light because you've applied so much you don't even need to turn your head to be able to see it. Spending $35 on an Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit was a choice, but a good choice. Such a good choice that I bought two of them.


This was something I last did when I was 19, and that was a whole 2 years ago, so I feel like It's now acceptable to re do this whole, 'things I've learnt' post. Is it a cop out blog post? I know that you're probably sat looking at your phone/computer screen nodding, but hear me out. After those two years I've grown into an actual adult, I'm no longer the first year uni student with a bad mental stability, who didn't know how to use a washing machine. I'm a third year uni student, still with bad mental stability..but who can cope better, and now use a washing machine AND a dishwasher. So now that tragic introduction is over, here's 21 things I've learnt since being 21. 

 Living by the phrase 'treat yo self' is one of the most dangerous ways to live. It allows you to spend your money carelessly as an excuse because you've had a bad day/done something, even the most minor thing. 'Treat yo self girl!!' I say to myself as i press check out on four pairs of false eyelashes and three eyeshadow pallets that come to a total of £80, just because I did one hour of university work and feel like I deserve it. NOPE, the treat yo self life style is a spiral to debt, trust me on this one. 

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with eating 'guilty' foods. I've spent 21 years crying every time I've eaten something that had more than 300 calories in it. Everything is okay in moderation, and even if you have a day of eating not in moderation, SO? Dieting is so toxic and needs to just be put in the bin. Enjoy life without having to count calories. 

After having a near death experience with absinthe when I was 17, I claimed in the last post like this when I was 19 that 'absinthe is not your friend, but vodka is.' that was the biggest lie I think I've ever told. Vodka is the Devil that was put on Earth to make you black out whilst drunk and make you do stupid stuff that when you wake up in the morning you can't even remember doing. Gin is your friend, especially pink gin. 

Getting a job is the best thing you'll ever do, even if like me, It's a part time job at a pub. There's no better feeling than earning your own money and having it come in your bank every month. I have made some of my best friends at work, it's worth being shouted at angry customers because you may or may not have put their food order through wrong.

You are and independent woman who doesn't need a man. It's their loss not yours, and so what if you're single? Nothing wrong with that. Just means that you don't have to deal with anyone else's crap. 

This is personal opinion, but RuPaul's Drag Race is one of the best things that's graced our TV screens. It's informative about the LGBT community and drag queens, it's SO funny, it's full of shade and drama. Honestly amazing, 10/10 would recommend. 

Friend brake-ups are just as hard as actual break-ups, but they can be necessary. No point holding on to a friendship where no effort is being made, people come and go, that's life. 

Spotify premium is an investment. I don't care what anyone says, it is. That is all. 

This one I've learnt not to do, but I still fall guilty of doing it. I'm only human what can I say. Leaving uni work to the last minute is not a smart thing to do. A 3000 word essay is not do-able in 12 hours, I mean it is do-able, but that's only if you want a day of pure stress and pain. Just get it done early, you'll thank yourself in the long run. 

To conclude part one of 21 things I've learnt, it's a good one! One Direction are probably not getting back together, and you've just got to accept it. As heart breaking as it is, Zayn leaving was just the start, then they went on hiatus, now they're all doing their own thing. I've seen them five times, maybe that's enough? RIP One Direction, always in my heart.