A tag post is meant to be where someone tags you in something and then you answer the questions. Nobody has tagged me in anything to answer these questions and I'm having 'writers block' which is my excuse in being totally lazy in thinking up any blog post ideas. So really this isn't a tag post at all.  

Anyway, here's me answering 25 questions about myself that I found on Tumblr. 

1. What is one of your biggest dreams? I don't really have a big life dream, I've never really thought of anything like that. I mean I'd love to travel the world and all that. I guess my biggest dream is to have a successful career and have a family, is that boring? That's pretty boring. 
2. Name three things that are physically close to you. There's an empty mug, a big pile of geography work and a bottle of flavoured water.
3. What’s an ideal Sunday for you? Sleeping till about one, having no work to do, then knowing I don't have to wake up for sixth form the next day. Think that shows how lazy.
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed? I had in total maybe 7 driving lessons when my instructor decided that she wasn't going to reply to any of my messages and I've not had one since. I've decided I'm just going to wait until after uni now to start learning again. I never crashed, I was an okay driver surprisingly. 
5. What time did you wake up this morning? 10? Maybe half 10.
6. What’s one thing in your closet that you cannot live without? My black kimono, literally my favourite thing ever. 
7. What was the last movie you saw? I think it was Into The Woods, me and my sister went to go see it and all she had to say was 'there's a lot of singing in this'.
8. What does your last text message say? 'Cooooool, well you can take a break one day I'll pull you away from your geography books (I know naff all about media or English so not even gonna talk about them)'
9. Something physical that stands out? Probably my nose because it's the size of a small child and I decided to draw more attention to it with a piercing. 
10. Have you ever been to a different country? I've been lucky with traveling, thinking about it I've been all over. My dad lives in Dubai so I've been there about 5 times. Other places I've been are: Spain, Venice, Paris, Florida etc etc.
11. Do you like sushi? I love sushi so much, I could seriously live off of it. I always want to go to a sushi restaurant but non of my friends like it:(
12. What’s a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you’re alone? Ermmm I always say I don't like Meghan Trainor but lips are moving is probably the most played song on my spotify.
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? Nope!
14. How many siblings do you have? I have 4 half brother and sisters (2 sisters, 2 brothers). Two of them are my mum and step dad's and the other two are my step mum and dad's.
15. How would you describe your style? monochrome. 
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 19 on the 17th of November.
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses? I should. Constantly forget that I need to wear glasses.
18. Do you colour your hair? I had red hair for about 4 years then decided to go black in September and it needs colouring every month to cover the red up.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today. It's mothers day so I'm going to my nan's for sunday dinner. I'm excited because she makes the best roast potatoes in the world.
20. What’s the drink you always order at Starbucks? Mochaaaaa.
21. What did you want to be when you were little? I wanted to be an artist, god knows why because I can't draw/paint.
22. What’s a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice? Always moisturise but I always forget or can't be bothered.
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter? Yess, the most recent one I did was in the summer at my house party (I wrote a post about it, check it out, thanks).
24. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? I think I do. Maybe it’s one of those skills I think I have but actually don’t. 
25. What quote/phrase do you live your life by? 'success is the best revenge'


  1. Ellie I'm going to steal this, I've got a bit of writers block too and I'm bored so going to give it a go! :D

    1. Aw just seen this! I couldn't think of anything at all so it seemed like a good idea:')
